3 Natural Ways To Control Weeds On Your Property

Posted on: 18 March 2015

Tired of looking at eyesores of weeds on your property? If so, then it might be time to contact a commercial weed control company in your area to have the problem dealt with. However, once they've completed their work, it'll still be up to you to prevent weeds from making a comeback on your lawn. Fortunately, there are some simple, effective, and natural methods for controlling weeds on your property. [Read More]

Be Green: Simple Guide To Reduce Waste In Your Home

Posted on: 4 March 2015

Taking care of the planet is a job that everyone should do for the sake of future generations. This following guide will help you reduce your waste production. Reconsider Your Paper Usage The following ideas can help reduce your paper usage: Try to reduce the amount of mail you get by going paperless Purchase cloth towels instead of using paper towels Although unconventional, you should consider swapping your toilet paper for cloth wipes (usually called family cloths). [Read More]

Turn Your Basement Into A Living Area

Posted on: 23 February 2015

If you have a basement, consider yourself very lucky, as there are so many things you can do with the extra space. One consideration is to turn it into a totally new living area for older children, or you could rent it out. Here are some steps you can take to make it work well. What Kind Of Sleeping Accommodations Do You Want? Will the basement be used only for one person, for a couple, or for a family? [Read More]

Best Bets for Bargain Boxes

Posted on: 13 February 2015

You are ready to move. Maybe you've a great job lined up across country or you've found a bigger place two cities over. Perhaps you're going to settle in the suburbs and raise your family. Whatever the reason, you've probably got a moving budget that you need to adhere to and are looking for any way to stretch your moving dollars. You've found the most reliable movers you can afford, decided to do your own packing and unpacking and you've purged everything you can to keep from moving too much. [Read More]