How To Remove Stains From Granite Countertops

Posted on: 30 November 2016

Granite countertops provide your kitchen or bathroom with a luxurious and natural aesthetic while still being highly functional. However, just like all countertop materials, granite can become stained over time due to use and exposure to chemicals and substances. Thankfully, there are a number of things that you can do to remove stains from your granite countertops.

Damaged or Stained Granite?

The first step to removing stains from granite countertops is determining if the marked area is actually a stain, or just damage. In order to figure this out, you'll have to inspect the area closely. Stains will cause the color of the granite to change, but the physical surface of the countertop should still be in solid shape. If the surface of the granite is uneven or worn, the discoloration of the granite is caused by physical damage or corrosion, which can only be fixed if that section in particular is removed.

Food and Dirt Stains

If your granite has been stained by food items that have heavy dyes in them, like beets or coffee, or have become discolored by dirt and ink, you can use a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water (combined in equal measures) to restore the appearance of your countertop. Simply scrub the area thoroughly using a non-abrasive sponge or rag.

Oil and Grease Stains

For oil and grease stains, which can develop over time due to exposure to steam and smoke from cooking, you can use pure acetone poured onto a cotton swab to restore the color of your granite. Acetone can be found at most pharmacies and hardware stores: avoid using commercial products that have acetone in them, as they often have other chemicals and materials in there that can damage your granite countertop.

Mold and Mildew

Though uncommon, it is possible for mold and mildew to begin to grow on or spread to granite. If this is the case, this is a serious health concern that you should address immediately, as mold and mildew can aggravate or even cause respiratory problems. Make a mixture of one part household bleach with three parts of warm water, and apply it sparingly to the affected area using a sponge or rag. You'll know if it's working as the mold will turn white as it dies from exposure to the bleach. Once you've removed the entirety of the mold using a paper towel or rag, be sure to rinse down the area liberally to ensure that all the bleach is removed, as it can cause your granite to discolor.
